Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Believe It's Possible

Believe.....You can say whatever you want but it's what you believe that counts.  That's why placebos work and why delusion festers in many of us like a like an unclean sore.  It's why addiction is rampart.  It's why we stay in relationships that just don't work.  So the bad beliefs we hold are super successful and so we  get stuck in ruts that really are not to deep to climb out.  If we would only believe we could.  Sooo why are the good beliefs and the ones that make us strong and successful so elusive?  They are out there, I know there are people with huge odds stacked against them that can persevere.  If you realize that there are literally millions of events happening simultaneously in this world that could impact you in as many ways without a moments notice you have to see that anything is possible....anything. It is said that the definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expect a different outcome.  You have to change the way you think to change the way you feel so that your beliefs and feeling are on the same plain. So believe. Believe hard. Believe with feeling.... But most importantly believe with conviction and absolute joy!



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