Friday, September 7, 2012

Green Eyed Monster

   Be ever so careful of the monster.  Green eyed or otherwise.  Jealousy, envy and resentment are by far the most lethal to your joy and abundance.  Be aware of how you respond emotionally, honestly inside the secret place where feelings come from, to things, events, gains and losses of those around you.  If you feel jealousy or anger when something good happens to someone else, you attatched negativity to those events happening to them and also to yourself.  Soooo, you have made a mark. winning the lottery is bad, getting a promotion, is bad, finding a great house in a great neighborhood, horrible!  When it happened to someone else these were your feelings so there you go!  Feel joy about good things happening; no matter to whom it may be.  
  Feel good when others prosper!  If you realize that your happy response, a true feeling of "good for you!"  This will put you on the the same frequency as those who have received any kind of good fortune.  If you dislike someone and something bad should occur in their life and you may say "oh, I am so sorry to hear that, it's to bad!"  While inside you're green monster is doing a river dance and making you feel so good about something bad happening, get it?  You are attracting negative events to your life.  You gave such joyful, soulful feelings of joy to a negative event!
  The things that you have positive feelings about, you will attract.  Remember that.  If you want to be on the winning side of anything you have to be on that team. You have to be on that frequency.  Seek people out who may have already attained the things you wish to create in your life and feel for their happiness as though it were your own! 
  It's all about the feelings.  Our emotions have the power to create, keep them on a tight leash.  The way you train yourself to do this is to ask yourself a question...."Is the feeling I have about this situation putting me on the same channel to receive it or avoid it?  What do you what to happen?  Decide soon.  I will tell you this, if you feel envy you obviously want it and you are pushing it away when you attach a negative emotion to someone else receiving it. So, with much love I say "knock it off."  Love is the fly paper of good things, not resentment.  If you see an acquaintance  who ahs put on a few pounds and you feel good about her back fat, get ready to roll! 

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