Monday, September 10, 2012

Offense....Defense, No Sense

  Everyone is offended and on the defense, it's as if it's fashionable.  If you are not outraged and offended something is wrong.  All about me...oh yeah, that's where we are.  You can't think of anything except how this or that effects you.  That is not how it is supposed to be; I'm telling you this is not the road to happiness.  When you are very self involved it creates entitlement which festers self indulgence followed by greed and resentment.  Not a recipe for joy.  Gratitude for everything and everyone will encourage tolerance and keep thinking not just about yourself but about other around you.
  We have become a nation of babied, entitled brats.  During the depression times were tough and people struggled and suffered but they also banded to together.  They survived in groups and families. Everyone contributing for the greater good.  There was sharing, oh yes they did!  Now everyone gets a trophy just for participating and children don't have to compete or have their feelings hurt.  Life isn't fair but it also isn't bad.  We need to have a tougher skin and stop be offended over everything.  We can't say anything about religion or sex or age or money or politics because someone may become offended, wah, wah, wah.  The time we spend on defense fending offense is wasted. 
  I'm not suggesting that people anyone can completely verbally assassinate you and it's fine.  I'm saying that this country was founded by hardworking rugged diverse people who were free to speak there mind.  Not a bunch of cry babies that have an emotional breakdown if someone says something we don't like.  "I wasn't included", "I don't think she paid enough attention to me", "It was two whole days before they called me back and I had to wait", "My thank you card was so long in coming and wasn't very personal".  Just stop.  You don't need to be stroked like a cat.  Tend your garden, be thankful!!!! When you are thankful you are full not empty and needy and wait for someone, everyone to kiss it and make it better.  Drop and give me fifty, right now come up with fifty positve things and then tell me what difference it makes if a thank you card is late or if it comes at all.  Manners are great, but really did you give just for the praise and thank you or to extend love? 
  When you give love or with love you get love. When you only give or do for with expectation and need you will come up empty and no one can fill that cup I hate to tell you.  When you are full of need you are a grand canyon of desperation.  What do you suppose that attracts??  Give because it's good to give.  Help because it's the right thing to do.  Take and be thankful for everything that comes your way and stop looking to take offense.  Nothing can offend you unles you let it.  Offense implies you are a victim.  You aren't a victim, you have unlimited capacity for happiness, take that not offense!

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