Friday, August 24, 2012

Meant To Be Or Not Meant To Be....?

  Everything happens for a reason, right?  People say it all the time and with my new attitude I have decided to to believe it blindly because I am happier that way. Plus it takes away any responsibility on my part for something that may have gone wrong.  If you can't change it there is no point in pondering it. 
  For years whenever someone said that everything happens for a reason I would respond "really, fine, what is it, because I want to know right the hell now!"  I needed to find the justice, the fair play.  I wanted it to make sense to me.  Justified events good or bad I could accept.  Not justified, and I was irate.  Only nice people, who honestly need the money should win the lottery and only mean, evil people with bad taste, who don't like dogs, who drink moxie should have diseases and bad luck!  This is what I thought and apparently I was wrong.  Real estate moguls  do win the lottery and some very sweet and lovely people are sick, alone, in pain, lonely, sad and destitute.  I am pissed about that still.  No animal or child should ever have to suffer for their innocence. 
  But I have come to know that I may not like it but my view of the big picture distorted or limited and I must accept that all things, good and bad happen whether or not it is fair I need to let it go.  Control the things you can.  So try to keep the evergy positve when you are dealing with someone who is coping with something difficult. Keep your thoughts in check so that you are in a good place.  Most important do not fume and stammer over all that is unjust.  Act positvely to effect change if you can.  When you can't, remember that stewing is just keep you in the frequency with the very things that are ticking you off......    
  The road to peace is paved with acceptence, tolerance and forgiveness ...


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